Hello there!
I just started this blog and I really don't know what direction I'm gonna go with it. I also need to work on the title, I'm not sure I like it. Either way, welcome! For now this will be more of a life journal, like the ones I used to do years ago. I don't put much on my personal Facebook page anymore because I simply can't explain myself in a short status haha. ;)
About us
We have two girls, Olivia is the youngest, 8 months old. And Isabella is 2, but almost 3. Becoming a mother is the greatest thing I've ever done! It's when God reveled his purpose for me. I felt like my life was nothing before having children. We are so blessed to have two happy, healthy girls. I am also extremely blessed that I'm able to stay home with them now. We struggled financially for many years. My husband has always worked very hard and he finally got the most amazing job ever. It's everything he's ever wanted and he hopes to stay there for the rest of his career. It's not easy, but we make it work. We live frugally, we don't travel much and we don't have things like Cable TV.
I had many jobs in the past including a nanny, a preschool teacher, a dog groomer, and an actress. I was an actress for a long time. I worked sometimes when Bella was a baby, but I haven't worked since I was about 3 months pregnant with Olivia. I may return to the entertainment industry someday, but I don't think that's where God wants me right now.
Big Changes
We have been trying to sell our house and buy another. We bought our Condo as a foreclosed property in the Spring of 2012 when the market hit rock bottom. We never intended to sell this quickly but God had other plans I suppose. Home prices skyrocketed and the Lord blessed us with another child, so we began to outgrow this two bedroom home pretty quickly, and are lucky to have enough equity to sell and get another home. We hate the expensive and demanding HOA. The biggest challenge has been the lack of an additional bedroom for the baby to sleep in. The girls share a room and it's hard for the baby to sleep in there because they wake each other up. This means I've been up all night almost every single night for the past 8 months. The lack of sleep has affected so much of my life that this is one of the main reasons we decided to move. We also would love to have a yard for the girls and dogs to play in. And Dan really needs a garage. He's a mechanic and often gets asked to do side jobs but never has a place to do it.
It took about a month but we found a buyer. We haven't found any homes in our price range yet. :/ We're also running into a lot of other problems with our HOA and it's possible that the entire sale could still fall through. We are trying to just trust God that we will sell our place, and God will provide another house for us.
Christmas and Birthdays
Christmas time is my favorite time of year! I just love celebrating the birth of Jesus with my family and friends. This will be Olivia's first Christmas. We are so excited! There's also a lot of family birthdays around this time, including mine. My birthday was this past Monday. We went out last weekend and stayed in a hotel while my mother watched the girls. It was the first time away from the baby, and was necessary because I was so, so sick and needed sleep. But I probably wont do it again for a long time. She's sleeping a little better now, Praise God!
Anyway, we spent this evening making dozens of Christmas cookies and it was so special! We didn't get the girls much for Christmas, but I want them to realize that's not what Christmas is about. It's about Jesus :)
Anyway, It's getting late and I need to get some sleep.
Thanks for reading! I hope to have more content soon.